Key Publications

The Consequences of Narrow Framing for Risk-Taking: A Stress Test of Myopic Loss Aversion
Management Science (forthcoming) R. Schwaiger, M. Strucks  and S. Zeisberger

Do Investors Care About Impact? (Lead Article)
The Review of Financial Studies (2023) F. Heeb, J. Koelbel and F. Paetzold and S. Zeisberger

What drives risk perception? A global survey with financial professionals and laymen
Management Science 66(9), pp. 3977-4002 (2020) F. Holzmeister, J. Huber, F. Lindner, M. Kirchler, U. Weitzel and S. Zeisberger

Improving Investment Decisions with simulated experience
Review of Finance 19, pp. 1019-1052 (2015) M. Bradbury, T. Hens and S. Zeisberger

All Publications (Peer-Reviewed Articles)

25. The Consequences of Narrow Framing for Risk-Taking: A Stress Test of Myopic Loss Aversion (forthcoming)
Management Science with R. Schwaiger and M. Strucks 

24. Domain-dependent diversification: The influence of gain-loss domain and information aggregation on correlation choice
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (forthcoming) with C. Borsboom, D. Duxbury and A. Nieber

23. Non-Standard Errors
Journal of Finance (2024) crowd-authored project - with A. Menkveld, A. Dreber, F. Holzmeister, M. Johannesson, J. Huber, M. Kirchler, M. Razen, U. Weitzel, [...]

22. The Influence of Upward Social Comparison on Retail Trading Behavior
(Nature) Scientific Reports (2023) with S. Andraszewicza, D. Kaszás and C. Hölscher

21. Nomen est omen: How and when the fluency of company names affects return expectations
PLOS One  (2023) with A. Fenneman, D.-J. Janssen, S. Nolte

20. Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of 45 crowd-sourced experimental designs
PNAS (2023) crowd-authored project  - with Huber, C., Dreber, A., Huber, J.,  Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., Weitzel, U., [...]  

19. A Culture of Greed: The Effect of Aggregate Greed on Bubble Formation in Experimental Asset Markets
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2023) with S. Breugelman, K. Hoyer and M. Zeelenberg

18. Arbitrage on the Market for Cryptocurrencies 
Journal of Financial Markets (2023) with T. Crépellière and M. Pelster

17. Do Investors Care About Impact? (Lead Article)
The Review of Financial Studies (2023) F. Heeb, J. Koelbel and F. Paetzold and S. Zeisberger

16. Do People Care about Loss Probabilities?
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2022)

15. History Matters: How Short-Term Price Charts Hurt Investment Performance
Journal of Banking & Finance (2022), C. Borsboom, D.J. Janssen, M. Strucks and S. Zeisberger

14. The effect of dispositional greed on individual trading behavior in experimental asset markets
Decision 8(2), pp. 80-96 (2021) K. Hoyer, S. Zeisberger, S. Breugelmans and M. Zeelenberg

13. What drives risk perception? A global survey with financial professionals and laymen
Management Science 66(9), pp. 3977-4002 (2020) F. Holzmeister, J. Huber, F. Lindner, M. Kirchler, U. Weitzel and S. Zeisberger

12. What makes an investment risky? An analysis of price path characteristics
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 169, pp. 92-125 (2020) C. Borsboom and S. Zeisberger

11. Does Investor Risk Perception Drive Asset Prices in Markets? Experimental Evidence
Journal of Banking & Finance 108 105635 (2019) J. Huber, S. Palan and S. Zeisberger

10. How Persistent are the Effects of Experience Sampling on Investor Behavior?
Journal of Banking & Finance 98, pp. 61-79 (2019) M. Bradbury, T. Hens and S. Zeisberger

9. All’s Well That Ends Well? On the Importance of how Returns are Achieved
Journal of Banking & Finance 87, pp. 397-410 (2018) D. Grosshans and S. Zeisberger

8. Do We Measure Overconfidence? A Closer Look at the interval Production Task
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 128, pp. 121-133 (2016) F. Langnickel and S. Zeisberger

7. Improving Investment Decisions with simulated experience
Review of Finance 19, pp. 1019-1052 (2015) M. Bradbury, T. Hens and S. Zeisberger

6. The impact of monetary policy on stock market bubbles and trading behavior: evidence from the lab
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 37, pp. 2104-2122 (2013) U. Fischbacher and T. Hens and S. Zeisberger

5. Measuring the Time Stability of Prospect Theory Preferences
Theory and Decision 72, pp. 359-386 (2012) S. Zeisberger, D. Vrecko and T. Langer

Download individual Cumulative Prospect Theory parameter data (Excel file)

4. Management Guidance – bevorzugen professionnelle Kapitalmarktteilnehmer wirklich Punktprognosen?
Journal of Management Control 21, 349-364 (2011) with Lammert, J. and C. Watrin

3. Why does myopia decrease the willingness to invest? Is it Myopic Loss Aversion or Myopic Loss Aversion Probability?
Theory and Decision 72, pp. 35-50 (2012) S. Zeisberger, T. Langer and M. Weber

2. Investment Horizon and the Attractiveness of Investment Strategies: A Behavioral Approach
Journal of Banking & Finance 34, pp. 1032-1046 (2010) M. Dierkes, C. Erner and S. Zeisberger

1. A Note on Myopic Loss Aversion and the Equity Premium Puzzle
Finance Research Letters 4, pp. 127-136 (2007) S. Zeisberger, M. Trede and T. Langer

Crowd-Authored Publications

Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of 45 crowd-sourced experimental designs
PNAS (accepted) with Huber, C., Dreber, A., Huber, J.,  Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., Weitzel, U., [...]

Non-Standard Errors
Journal of Finance (forthcoming) with A. Menkveld, A. Dreber, F. Holzmeister, M. Johannesson, J. Huber, M. Kirchler, M. Razen, U. Weitzel, [...]

Working Papers